New technology lets you control paper airplane by your smartphone : worldleaks


worldleaks control airplaneResearchers have introduced new technology that turns your self-made paper airplane into a smartphone-controlled flying machine able of twisting and turning through open skies.

Power Up 3.0, built by US-based designer Shai Goitein, promises to give the normal paper model an upgrade, using a small attachable propeller and rudder for a little more speed and steering control.

PowerUp 3.0’s wireless communication is based on Bluetooth Smart technology.

Bluetooth connectivity allows the user to control the paper airplane via their smartphone with an accompanying application.

Tilting the phone to the left or right allows users to turn their airplane as it flies a whopping 60 yards. The app also includes a compass, controls for thrust and readouts for battery life and range, ‘Mashable’ reported.

To begin, a user has to simply fold a piece of copier paper into a paper airplane. Then, they have to attach the smart module to their paper plane with the patented clips under the Smart Module.

Starting the app connects the Smart Module with their cell phone.

Users can then push throttle to full and launch the paper airplane high up into the sky, according to the product’s description on Kickstarter website.


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